Thursday, 22 April 2010

Day 7 of the mystery illness - how to manage a bored slovak?

Woke up this morning to Grey sat on the bed barking at a cat sat on a wall in the garden. No yelps or squeals today. Generally he's quite bored and finding ways to amuse himself in the house like collecting up a range of objects into his bed. He's eating and going to the loo fine. He's still quite a bit more reactive to noises outside even when in the house. He's also stood a few times barking at me which he doesn't normally do at all in the house.

I waited until the morning school run had finished and the green was all clear to take him out on the halti. We went to say hello to his friend the decorator who's now working on a house near us. He really loves this guy. He was much safer and manageable on the halti. We just mooched across the grass with lots of sniffing.

Off to the vets this afternoon.

I'm now giving him his dinner in frozen kongs to keep him busy longer.

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