Friday, 26 April 2013

Slovakian Breed Counsel Breed Standard for Slovakian Rough Haired Pointer

Updated by Michel Urban in November 2012

FCI-Standard N° 320 / 06.01.2003 /GB


(Slovenský hrubosrstý Stavač)
TRANSLATION: Ludmila Fintorova, Peggy Davis.
ORIGIN: Slovakia.
CLASSIFICATION F.C.I.: Group 7 Pointing dogs.
Section 1.1 Continental Pointing
Dogs, type “Braque”.
With working trial.
BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY: Slovakian Wirehaired Pointer was established by crossing different breeds, mainly the Weimaraner, of which it has taken its characteristic colouring and character. Crossing Weimaraners with wirehaired breeds, in particular Cesky fousek (Bohemian Wirehaired Pointing Griffon), resulted in a breed of colour and traits similar to those of the Weimaraner, but of wirehaired coat. Until 1973 these dogs were entered into the Slovak stud book as Weimaraner Wirehaired Pointer. Since 1973 the dogs are registered as an individual breed.
GENERAL APPEARANCEDog of medium to slightly larger size. Moderate strength, strong bone, working type, but with nobleness in his lines. The basic colour of the coat grey and the hair is harsh (hard).
IMPORTANT PORPORTIONSShould be slightly longer in body compared to shoulder height. The ratio of length of the body to the height at the withers must be of 10: 9 in the males and of 10: 8 in the females.
BEHAVIOUR/TEMPERAMENTPowerful, keen on pursuing game of prey, yet obedient and easy to train. He must be fit and able to work on the plain, in the woods and in the water and especially to work after the shooting, searching and retrieving wounded game. Even-tempered, never shy nor aggressive.
HEAD: Sufficiently long, lean, without folds in the skin, proportional to the body and the sex.
CRANIAL REGION: Skull: Rectangular shape, the superciliary arches must be pronounced, the frontal furrow visible. The occipital crest is felt at the touch.Stop: The slope is moderate.
FACIAL REGIONMuzzle: Approximately the same length as the skull, sufficiently deep and wide. Lower jaw even and strong. Nasal bridge is straight or slightly hilly, never concave.
 Sufficiently large, darker in colour then coat. Large nostrils.
s: Moderately developed; fitting closely, dark in colour.
Well developed, even, strong set of teeth. Scissor bite. Incisors set square to the jaws, forming full arch.Cheeks: lean, with well developed muscles.
: Almond shaped, well set, with an intelligent expression, of amber colour, (brownish shade not a fault). In puppies and young dogs, they are bluish (azure). The eyelids are dark and close fitting.
: Of proportional length, set above eye level. Broad at the inset (base) and the flap is rounded. Carried close to head.
NECK: Of medium length, lean, without skin folds, well muscled; inserted high in the withers, running well into the back.
ToplineRunning smoothly from the line of the neck down to well developed withers and rather long, strong and level back.
: Is well pronounced and well linked with the line of the back.
: Is solid, well muscled, straight, of medium length, very slightly sloping towards the rear.
Rear: Broad, sufficiently long, loins taut, slightly arched. Neither overbuilt nor drooping.

Chest: Sufficiently long and broad, oval, in proportion with the whole of the body, let down to the elbow. Ribs well sprung, breast well developed, sternum pronounced.Underline and belly: Moderately tucked in.

TAIL: Moderately strong, set rather high, carried downwards when the dog is at rest; carried horizontally when the dog is in action. Well furnished with hair but not brush style. In countries where tail docking is not prohibited by law, the tail is shortened (docked) at half length.
FOREQUARTERS: On the whole well developed, vertical and parallel viewed from the front or in profile.
Lean and muscular. Shoulder-blades long, obliquely placed, close fitting to chest. Good angulation between shoulder blade and upper arm.
Upper arm
slanted, well developed and muscular.
free, neither tied in nor loose.
: long, straight, vertical, with lean and marked musculature.
Pastern joint:
 firm, taut.
: Almost vertical.
: Well arched, close toes, rounded feet. Elongated middle toes forming spoon shaped feet permissible. The nails and the pads are dark in colour. Pads tight and thick.
HINDQUARTERS: Well angulated seen from profile, and vertical seen from behind.Upper thighs: Sufficiently long, broad and well muscled.Stifle: firm, taut. The angulation between upper and lower thighs and lower thighs and hocks should be approximately the same.Lower thighs: sufficiently long, well muscled, sinewy.Hock joint: taut, clean and firm.
: Sinewy, almost vertical.
Hind feet
: Toes well arched and close. No dewclaws. Shaped like the forefeet.
GAIT / MOVEMENT: in all types of movement smooth, free action covering plenty of ground. When trotting, back remains level and body carriage elegant. Front and rear action is parallel. Amble or pass undesirable. When working on the plain the dog gallops.
SKIN: Of medium thickness, elastic, without folds, good pigmentation of the skin.
HAIR: Hair is harsh, dense, close fitting. Double coat consisting of undercoat and topcoat of about 4 cm long, harsh, straight and flat hairs. At the lower part of the muzzle and on the flews, the hair is longer and softer, forming a moustache. Above the eyes, the hair is more pronounced and laying obliquely. The forehead and the occiput are covered with shorter harsh hair. The hair on the leathers is short and soft. Tail well furnished with hair. The whole body should be covered with hair.Hair on the underside of legs and belly can be shorter, yet hard and dense.COLOURThe basic colour is grey from pewter-silver grey to mouse grey with varying lighter and darker shadings. Head and ears are of a lighter shade. White markings on the legs and on the chest are accepted.
Also “grey” with more or less large markings, eventually speckled (roan)
 is accepted. The basic colour is always grey.
SIZE:The height at withers: Is from 62 to 68 cm for the males and from 57 to 64 cm for the females.
FAULTS: Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.
  • Size too big or too small in relation to the standard.
  • Colour much too light.
  • Heavy appearance and without nobleness, lymphatism.
  • Hollow back, roach back.
  • Hair too long or silky.
  • Hair too short, without moustaches.
  • Irregular position of the legs.
  • Meagre lips or too pendulous flews.
  • False color and pigmentation.
  • Prognathism upper and lower.
  • Entropion, ectropion.
  • Monorchid, cryptorchid.
Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioral abnormalities shall be disqualified.
N.B.: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

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